Goldfields Getaway
12 March, 2021
Unearthing treasure in the goldfields by Ron Barry
Antiques Whether it’s that brand new cuddly teddy bear that will one day become an antique, or an antique that will one day become ancient, the joy and fulfilment of collecting is unmatched. Know your collectables. Unmasking an antique or...

Whether it’s that brand new cuddly teddy bear that will one day become an antique, or an antique that will one day become ancient, the joy and fulfilment of collecting is unmatched.
Know your collectables. Unmasking an antique or a collectable can be challenging. First, look at the item, its history. Does it have providence, where was it made and by whom for what reason? Only after you’ve established the providence, set the age, observed the condition and researched the desirability of an item, can you estimate a true and fair value. Collecting is a passion not a necessity, the joy and reward of unmasking a rare, heritage or unique item can be a tedious task. Love what you do.
“There’s gold in them there hills” …
… and all around Central Victoria. The fury of gold diggers has mellowed a little over the past 170 years; still, many prospectors are out there with modern technology – detectors. A quiet hum and the occasional beep as opposed to 1000 gold sluice boxes rocking along a single creek during the 1850s. There are also many other minerals out in regional Victoria to be found: Topaz, agate, garnet, crystals, smoky quartz and even diamonds if you look hard enough. Most of these gems were uncovered in the early days of the goldfields and are now exposed on mine dumps. A great introduction to mineral signature and locations is Gemstones in Victoria by Bill Birch, Dermot A. Henry, and W D Birch. Good luck and have fun prospecting.