General News
11 October, 2024
Session on legal waste disposal
Are you in the waste industry? Do you transport waste? Or maybe you’re just interested to know about how to dispose of waste generated by your business legally?
EPA Victoria is working with Central Victorian Transporters to hold a free information session in Maryborough next Wednesday, October 16 at the local community hub.
“We’ve been talking to members in our industry and other businesses in our local area and we know that many would find it useful to hear what has changed in the law and what we need to be doing to be compliant with it,” Central Victorian Transporters managing director Rod Brown said.
“This information session will help with experts from EPA and council on hand to answer questions and provide one on one advice.
“It will cover areas like record keeping of waste, liquid disposals and what your obligations are in a more general sense.”
EPA northwest regional manager Paul Ratajczyk added that knowing how to manage and dispose of waste lawfully was a very important area of environmental compliance to most businesses.
“This is why EPA is keen to talk directly to members about waste, where it’s generated, how it can be legally transported and legally disposed of,” he said.
“We’ll also explain the General Environmental Duty which makes it everyone’s responsibility to act to protect the environment.”
Central Goldfields Shire officers will also be available to outline current services and future areas of consideration.
The free event is scheduled to run from 4.30 to 5.30 pm on October 16 at the Maryborough Community Hub (ground floor) on 48 Burns St.
If you have any questions regarding the session contact Rod Brown on 0418 501 181.