General News
6 March, 2023
Senior citizen club opens doors for come and try day
The Maryborough Senior Citizens Club is getting ready to welcome fresh faces — with an open day organised this week to display its offerings to new members. Set to run on Thursday, March 9 at 52 Alma Street, from 1.30 to 4 pm, the club will...

The Maryborough Senior Citizens Club is getting ready to welcome fresh faces — with an open day organised this week to display its offerings to new members.
Set to run on Thursday, March 9 at 52 Alma Street, from 1.30 to 4 pm, the club will advertise its activities for residents looking to get involved and will also provide additional information related to the group.
Currently, the club hosts a range of activities including bridge games, table tennis, tai chi, hoy, craft and indoor bowls.
Eager to build the group, Maryborough Senior Citizens Club member Veronika Miles said she was excited for new members to join.
“On the day, we’ll have tables for all the groups that are part of the club and it’s for everybody. We want people to come and have a look,” she said.
“People can come in and can try bowls or they can have a hit at table tennis if they want, they can also talk to other people who are part of the club.
“Membership is open to anybody aged 55 and over but younger people can come and try things out as well.
“We’re always looking for new people if anybody’s interested — there’s a lot on offer, we’ve always got something going on.”
Boosting member’s mental and physical health, Veronika said being part of the club was very beneficial for members and the community.
“We help each other and we try to do things for people — just playing and doing things together has kept so many people going,” she said.
“There’s around 160 members and most of them come in and have a social afternoon because it’s nice to just be together.
“I welcome anybody who wants to join. Don’t sit on your own, come and join us. It’s good for your mental health to be out and about, don’t be alone at home.”
For more information on the Senior Citizen’s open day, contact Veronika on 0407 306 576.