
General News

4 January, 2024

Second climate rally coming to Maryborough

Nearly four years ago, 250 people came together for the shire’s inaugural Climate Action Rally — and following on from its initial success, the event is now returning for its second edition. The 2020 event, organised by the Maryborough Climate...

By Prealene Khera

After creating plenty of conversation in the community in 2020, Maryborough is set to have a second Climate Action Rally next month. Climate Action Stewarding Group members Barry Parsons, Bronwen Haywood, Adrian Masterman-Smith and Tony Macer believe since the initial rally, many changes have occurred locally with the second rally to celebrate this progress.
After creating plenty of conversation in the community in 2020, Maryborough is set to have a second Climate Action Rally next month. Climate Action Stewarding Group members Barry Parsons, Bronwen Haywood, Adrian Masterman-Smith and Tony Macer believe since the initial rally, many changes have occurred locally with the second rally to celebrate this progress.

Nearly four years ago, 250 people came together for the shire’s inaugural Climate Action Rally — and following on from its initial success, the event is now returning for its second edition.

The 2020 event, organised by the Maryborough Climate Action Group, was followed by a string of achievements including the development of an action plan endorsed by the Central Goldfields Shire Council (CGSC) last year.

According to the convenor of the first environmental rally, Tony Macer, the vast range of climate projects and events implemented over recent years have wildly surpassed expectations.

“I’m absolutely thrilled with what we have achieved and with the impact of our innovative council community partnership,” Mr Macer said.

“Council has done an outstanding job in supporting the recently formed Climate Action Stewarding Group (CASG) which includes two elected councillors and several interested community representatives — this group has certainly delivered the goods.”

Mr Macer said that the highlights over the last couple of years have included the establishment of the CASG, extensive consultation with the community to develop a detailed Climate Action Plan, and the hosting of many educational climate conversations with local organisations.

“We have had so much we can be proud of as a community,” he said.

“There are a lot of achievements —we’re behind the Youth Council’s hosting of this year’s climate conversations for students in schools, several energy saving workshops, the renewable energy public forum, an EV workshop, as well as, the promotion of achievements of local groups and businesses through regular articles in the local media.

“Additionally, we helped with the procurement of solar panel systems for the Maryborough Community House, the Dunolly Neighbourhood Centre and planning has already begun to assist the Senior Citizens committee to get solar panels in 2024 too.”

These accomplishments are now supporting the upcoming climate rally — expected to be held thisyear in Philips Gardens, next to the Senior Citizens facility, on February 17.

Mr Macer said it will once again be a family-friendly event, which will celebrate the formation of new alliances with community groups and will also mark the launch of the CGSC Climate Action Website.

“The Maryborough Senior Citizens Club will be actively supporting the day by opening their building for the viewing of the new website and other displays,” he said.

“It would be great to see all 250 people who attended the first rally to once again show their support and we hope to double this number now that climate change has become more widely understood across the shire.

“We really want to see even more grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren, friends and neighbours come along and join in with what will be a positive and enjoyable way to make your contribution to climate action.”

Adding to the importance of the rally, council’s local sustainability officer Julia Walsh said that community organisations who were already addressing climate change as part of their operations, have now partnered with the CASG, forming an important alliance, which will have a strong presence on the day with relevant displays.

“ASTERIA, Zonta and the Maryborough Girl Guides are early members of the climate alliance and we are sure their contributions will spark interest from many other organisations and businesses to join the alliance in doing great things together,” Ms Walsh said.

“Our aim is to continue to publicly recognise these organisations for their excellent work.”


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