
General News

25 October, 2024

Road blitz program criticised

The State Government has been criticised for “neglecting” roads in the Central Goldfields Shire by the Federal Member for Mallee Anne Webster.

By Prealene Khera

Member for Mallee Anne Webster has hit out at the Victorian Government after Maryborough’s Gladstone Street was the only road in the shire to be included in the regional road blitz program.
Member for Mallee Anne Webster has hit out at the Victorian Government after Maryborough’s Gladstone Street was the only road in the shire to be included in the regional road blitz program.

Ms Webster expressed her disappointment following the launch of the Victorian Government’s $675 million regional road blitz program — which will see significant repairs made to one road in the shire.

Maryborough’s Gladstone Street is the only local stretch to be included in the initiative and will soon undergo major works.

According to Ms Webster, this highlights the government’s “poor” performance.

“The Allan Labor Government have been brazen in neglecting regional roads, then claiming credit for the long-overdue catch-up that doesn’t even go close to repairing local roads,” she said.

“A recent national roads survey found 91 percent of regional Victorian roads are rated poor.

“Central Goldfields residents ought to mentally rate and note how poor Labor have been for regional Victoria and take those thoughts to the polls at future elections.”

Responding to Ms Webster’s criticism, a Victorian Government spokesperson said Labor’s investment in Victorian roads was unmatched.

“We’ve invested a record $964 million into maintaining our roads in this year alone, far exceeding the yearly average of $493 million under the previous Liberal National Government,” they said.

“Our experts constantly collect and analyse data to make sure our maintenance program is delivering works where they’re needed most.”

Under the current road blitz program, the projects have been selected based upon data, expert inspections and community feedback, according to the State Government.

Drivers are also encouraged to report any hazards or issues they come across on arterial road networks by calling 13 11 70.


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