
General News

13 February, 2023

Residents warned to take care gardening around powerlines

Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) is urging people carrying out gardening activities to keep clear of powerlines following a series of incidents involving service lines being accidently cut by hedge trimmers and pruners. Service lines are single-span...

By Maryborough Advertiser

Residents warned to take care gardening around powerlines - feature photo

Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) is urging people carrying out gardening activities to keep clear of powerlines following a series of incidents involving service lines being accidently cut by hedge trimmers and pruners.

Service lines are single-span powerlines connecting power to houses on private land and since December 2021, ESV has investigated 14 incidents where members of the public made contact with service lines while gardening leaving some in hospital with burns and electric shock — more than double the amount seen in previous years.

ESV CEO Leanne Hughson urged Victorians to be aware of their surroundings before carrying out pruning near service lines.

“Unfortunately, when vegetation has been allowed to grow too close to a service line it increases the risk of making contact when using hedge trimmers and pole pruners,” she said.

“Homeowners and workers should take steps to identify where the service line is located on a property and take measures to avoid coming into contact with it or face the risk of serious personal injury, or electrocution.

“The rise in these incidents is extremely concerning, especially given the potentially very serious life-threatening consequences.”

ESV encourages Victorians to maintain vegetation on their property at least one metre clear of the private service line that connects their property to the distribution lines in the street.

While ESV noted the majority of recent incidents involved residents trimming vegetation on their own property, in some cases professional gardeners and tree clearing contractors were at fault.

These incidents are breaches of the Electricity Safety (General) Regulations and may result in ESV taking enforcement action against those responsible.

Other safety tips include:

• Ensure the location of all service lines are identified before pruning commences.
• If hiring arborists, ensure personnel are qualified and suitably experienced.
• If service lines are damaged, contact the relevant electrical distribution business immediately.
• Keep equipment, such as ladders, at least three metres from the service line.
• Stay more than 10 metres away from any fallen service line and always treat fallen powerlines as live even when they are broken.

If you are concerned about trees on your property near any service lines, contact your relevant electricity distribution company.

For more information from ESV visit


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