
General News

4 May, 2023

Pyrenees brigade members awarded with medals

CFA volunteers in Avoca, Lexton, Amphitheatre and Elmhurst are among those to have been recognised for their efforts during the 2019-2020 bushfire season. More than 500 volunteer firefighters from across the CFA’s West region, which covers parts...

By Riley Upton

The Avoca Fire Brigade also had members awarded for their involvement in the 2019-2020 bushfire season.
The Avoca Fire Brigade also had members awarded for their involvement in the 2019-2020 bushfire season.

CFA volunteers in Avoca, Lexton, Amphitheatre and Elmhurst are among those to have been recognised for their efforts during the 2019-2020 bushfire season.

More than 500 volunteer firefighters from across the CFA’s West region, which covers parts of the Pyrenees Shire, are among the latest to have received National Emergency Medals last week.

The medals recognise significant or sustained service to others in a nationally significant Australian emergency.

There were 37 medals awarded to volunteers from brigades in the Pyrenees Shire, with three awarded to firefighters at the Amphitheatre and Avoca brigades, one at Barkly and Frenchmans, five at Burnbank, seven at Elmhurst and 18 at Lexton.

CFA Board Members Peter Shaw and Dawn Hartog presented the medals and said they were an important recognition of the valiant efforts of CFA members.

“The National Emergency Medal is a formal recognition that Australia appreciates the efforts and contributions of CFA members during the 2019-2020 bushfire crisis,” they said.

“It is a great honour to receive this medal and we hope it goes a small way to thanking our members for their service.”

CFA Deputy Chief Officer Brett Boatman spoke of his pride for the CFA members’ efforts.

“The 2019/2020 fires devastated East Gippsland and the North East of Victoria,” he said.

“But from that crisis arose the most remarkable human spirit of generosity and ‘lending a hand’.

“Our medal recipients have exemplified that spirit, and I am incredibly proud of each and every one of them.

“Whether they joined a firefighting strike team, worked in an Incident Control Centre or provided other assistance to affected communities — every contribution was valuable and made a real difference.”

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