General News
21 August, 2023
Public toilets targeted by vandals
A number of public toilet facilities have been closed for repairs in Maryborough, after five separate incidents of vandalism saw toilets destroyed and restrooms set alight. It’s understood that a number of offenders destroyed fixtures at some of...
A number of public toilet facilities have been closed for repairs in Maryborough, after five separate incidents of vandalism saw toilets destroyed and restrooms set alight.
It’s understood that a number of offenders destroyed fixtures at some of the toilet blocks and used matches to ignite toilet paper inside the facilities last week.
The Apex Park toilet block was vandalised shortly after midday on Monday and remains closed for repairs, while four other toilets were targeted on Wednesday.
Toilets at the Woolworths car park in Tuaggra Street and next to Priceline Pharmacy in Clarendon Street were both targeted, as well as the toilet block at the Community Hub and disabled toilet at the Adventure Park playground next to Lake Victoria, which also remain closed.
Facilities have suffered varying degrees of damage, ranging from destroyed toilets to smoke damage to interior walls and ceilings.
Maryborough Police Acting Sergeant Chris Jeffery confirmed police had apprehended a number of offenders in relation to the incidents.
Each year the Central Goldfields Shire Council spends around $15,000 disposing of illegally dumped rubbish and removing graffiti and has been vocal in the past about vandalism of public facilities.
Emergency services have expressed their frustration over the offending, which Maryborough Fire Brigade Captain Darryl Wagstaff said wastes time and inconveniences residents.
“It’s disappointing that offenders commit vandalism to waste the time of volunteer firefighters who have to leave their home or work to attend those calls,” he said.
“It’s also has the potential to unnecessarily take emergency services away from genuine emergencies in the community.
“The impact to the community for those toilet blocks can be repaired is substantial, it’s a cost to the shire and creates an inconvenience for everyone.”