
General News

18 July, 2024

Priceline to host fundraiser

Priceline Maryborough is asking residents to put their best foot, and their best friend’s paw forward at their Paws Walk for Priceline event. The charity fundraiser hopes to give proceeds to the pharmacy’s Sisterhood Foundation, which has raised...

By Maryborough Advertiser

Priceline Maryborough assistant manager Trudie Rizzo and store manager Melissa Cornwill are asking residents to get their pink on next Saturday.
Priceline Maryborough assistant manager Trudie Rizzo and store manager Melissa Cornwill are asking residents to get their pink on next Saturday.

Priceline Maryborough is asking residents to put their best foot, and their best friend’s paw forward at their Paws Walk for Priceline event.

The charity fundraiser hopes to give proceeds to the pharmacy’s Sisterhood Foundation, which has raised over $8.5 million for Australian women and families since 2011.

Priceline Maryborough assistant manager Trudie Rizzo is encoura-ging locals to dress themselves, and their furry friends, up in pink as part of the fundraising walk.

“We wanted to try something different this year and branch out to get some people involved who don’t always come into the store and so far we have gotten a good response,” she said.

“We have already had businesses donate gifts so we have got some prizes for the day and we are just hoping to have a fun day and fill the lake with a whole sea of pink.”

All donations to the Priceline Sisterhood Foundation will help support five charity partners, they include:

• Sisterworks: Supporting migrant, refugee, and asylum seeker women to reach economic independence
• Raise: Supporting young people through the delivery of one-on-one mentoring programs
• Fitted for Work: Supporting unemployed and underemployed women on their path to meaningful employment
• Motherless Daughters: Sup-porting women and girls who have lost their mother
• Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia: Supporting parents and families’ mental health and wellbeing from pregnancy and parenthood

“At least one of these charities will affect or support a person in your own family so they branch out and are special in their own way,” Ms Rizzo said.

“I have two daughters and I never know if I or they will need one of these charities someday, so it’s important to support them.”

Paw’s Walk for Priceline will be held on Saturday, July 27 from3 pm at the Goldfields Reservoir.

The Walking fee is $10 with a gold coin donation barbeque also held on the day.


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