General News
21 November, 2022
Poppy seed tea warning
The Victorian Department of Health is warning of health risks associated with some batches of commercially available poppy seeds, with an increasing number of people presenting to Victorian emergency departments in recently after brewing poppy seed...

The Victorian Department of Health is warning of health risks associated with some batches of commercially available poppy seeds, with an increasing number of people presenting to Victorian emergency departments in recently after brewing poppy seed tea.
Some brews have resulted in severe cases of toxicity, and in at least one case cardiac arrest. More than 19 people have been hospitalised in Australia since November 9.
The Victorian Department of Health has advised there may be a contaminant in readily available, supermarket poppy seeds that is causing this reaction.
It is possible poppy seeds currently available may have a much higher thebaine content (an opioid alkaloid), however other causes have not been excluded and remain under investigation.
Those consuming poppy seed tea brewed with high volumes of poppy seeds — between 120 grams and one kilogram — are at highest risk.
The department advises poppy seed tea drinkers should note any unusual dark brown colour and bitter taste in the wash/tea after brewing may indicate unusual toxicity. You cannot tell which poppy seeds have high thebaine content by looking at the seeds.
The onset of symptoms has been reported to occur very soon after consumption of the poppy seeds, within minutes to hours.
Seek medical attention immediately if you experience any toxic effects following poppy seed consumption.
For help, call:
• Triple Zero (000) for emergency assistance
• Go to your nearest emergency department
• Call the Victorian Poisons Information Centre (13 11 26)
• If you or someone you know needs help with alcohol or drug use, call DirectLine on 1800 888 236 or visit for information and support to access treatment.
For more advice visit