General News
25 January, 2024
No injuries in Carisbrook crash
Police are urging residents recovering from surgery not to risk driving, after an out of control vehicle rammed the front fence of a residential property in Carisbrook this week. Three police vehicles, two ambulances, the Maryborough SES unit and...

Police are urging residents recovering from surgery not to risk driving, after an out of control vehicle rammed the front fence of a residential property in Carisbrook this week.
Three police vehicles, two ambulances, the Maryborough SES unit and Carisbrook Fire Brigade all attended the scene in Powlett Street, Carisbrook, shortly before 2 pm on Tuesday to reports of a vehicle ramming into a residential address.
Upon arrival, emergency services found a Ford sedan had mounted the nature strip and collided with a fence.
The 71-year-old driver, who was the sole occupant of the vehicle and had been released from hospital earlier that day, was uninjured and nobody else was harmed.
The driver had been attempting to reverse the vehicle into his driveway when he lost control, with Central Goldfields Highway Patrol Sergeant Paul Martin urging residents to heed any medical advice they’re given.
“The driver has attempted to move the vehicle from his address and reverse it in and park it and for whatever reason, the vehicle has launched forward instead of backwards,” he said.
“The driver was recovering from a recent stint in hospital at the time of the incident and certainly had a medical condition which has impacted his ability to drive.
“Fortunately no one was injured, however an out of control car in a residential area is a significant issue.
“If you are given advice not to drive and to allow yourself to recover from surgery, you should heed that advice.”