General News
14 July, 2022
New initiative to help attract investors to region
Two of Maryborough’s largest employers are among those advocating for further investment and development locally, with a new campaign kickstarted to promote the region. Sonac Australia and True Foods are at the head of a push to see more...

Two of Maryborough’s largest employers are among those advocating for further investment and development locally, with a new campaign kickstarted to promote the region.
Sonac Australia and True Foods are at the head of a push to see more businesses establish themselves in the Loddon Mallee region, arguing that while small, Maryborough offers a number of advantages compared to larger centres.
The push comes as part of INVEST Loddon Mallee, a website initiative demonstrating the economic strengths and opportunities of the district created by the 10 local government areas, including the Central Goldfields Shire Council, that make up the Loddon Mallee region.
An investment attraction resource, the website targets both public and private investors interested in relocating or contributing to the extensive supply chain opportunities available locally.
A specialist manufacturer of flat bread products, True Foods moved to Maryborough just over 10 years ago and managing director Mark Thurlow said a vacant and disused facility for the business to call home only scratched the surface of the benefits a local move had.
“The facility that we purchased was certainly attractive but a disused facility on its own is only a partial benefit, it was also everything else that came around it like access to skilled workers, the liveability and facilities in the area,” he said.
“While having the Maryborough Hospital here was great 10 years ago, I think the $100 million redevelopment of that site makes it a really attractive proposition for other businesses looking at moving to the area now.
“The other big thing for us was the level of support that we saw not just from community members but also local and State Government, they’re very open to understanding the plans of business and driving a great future together.
“Knowing that if we had growth ideas the local council would be supportive and work with us and others in the community to make it happen was key for us.”
Having expanded a number of times in the past 10 years, Mr Thurlow said the business has great confidence in Maryborough.
“I don’t think we understood when we moved here just how much being part of the community would mean to us,” he said.
“We were just another number when we were located in a metro area and we moved into town and got a sense very quickly of how much the town and community was willing to support us as well as the positive impact we could have.
“We had lots of people who didn’t necessarily feel like they had a future in town and have worked with us, got some work experience and great training and have stayed in town — they may not have stayed with us, but they’ve taken those skills to other small businesses locally which is awesome.”
Mr Thurlow also said that being based locally has introduced unique advantages for the business.
“Something we were considering when moving here at the time were concerns around freight and logistics,” he said.
“We’ve found that through some great partnerships with local freight and logistics companies we actually see our freight as a competitive advantage.
“For anyone coming to town who’s concerned that might be a negative, we’d strongly advocate that it’s actually a positive of being in town.”
The experience has been much the same for Sonac Australia, which set up at its Maryborough-Dunolly Road site in 2012 and has continued to go from strength to strength since.
Filling a unique corner of the market, the business recycles blood from abattoirs into usable by-products like plasma which then go back into the pet industry.
Managing director Simon Cox said the business was happy to back INVEST Loddon Mallee as it’s an initiative that benefits everyone.
“The purpose for me to get behind INVEST Loddon Mallee is the idea that a rising tide floats all boats — at the end of the day if there are more businesses coming in there’s more economic activity and everyone benefits,” he said.
“I’m really passionate and supportive about the people who support us and I think it’s worth letting everyone know that yes, we are in a small country town but we are not disadvantaged in any way shape or form for being here, in fact we might even be better off.
“We’re a long way from any business being just a number in Maryborough, each of us matters and is important.”
Last year Sonac announced plans to invest $15 million to further expand its Maryborough facility, something Mr Cox said is a big vote of confidence for the area.
“$15 million is a massive investment when you think that our overall plant is worth around $20 million, we’re basically putting in the value of the plant again,” he said.
“Why would we do that when we could put that money somewhere else? It’s because we’re set up here, everything works well and we are in the centre of Victoria.
“I think investing here is a wise move rather than investing in a place where things have to be set up or it’s unclear whether you’ll get support and I’m really pleased our council is working on this.
“You don’t get anywhere by sitting on your hands and I think this is something all businesses should get behind because ultimately it’s in their benefit.”
Central Goldfields Shire Council CEO Lucy Roffey welcomed the arrival of the online resource.
“We know this is a great region to do business in and INVEST Loddon Mallee is about making sure everyone else knows about it too,” she said.
“Having a one stop shop that delivers economic information about each local government area, which highlights local businesses doing great things — just like our very own Sonac Australia and True Foods — where we can highlight all our great offerings is a positive for the entire Loddon Mallee region.
“We look forward to continuing to contribute to make this site a valuable tool for all in business in our shire and beyond.”
To learn more about INVEST Loddon Mallee or to see the profile of the local area and businesses, head to