
General News

23 March, 2023

Local feedback wanted on VNI West

Residents are being urged to make submissions on the latest consultation report into the controversial Victoria New South Wales Interconnector West (VNI West) project, with one local council “disappointed” by the lack of consideration given to...

By Riley Upton

Local feedback wanted on VNI West - feature photo

Residents are being urged to make submissions on the latest consultation report into the controversial Victoria New South Wales Interconnector West (VNI West) project, with one local council “disappointed” by the lack of consideration given to previous submissions.

VNI West, delivered by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) and Transgrid, is a proposed high capacity, 500 kilovolt double-circuit overhead transmission line that will link the state’s power grid with New South Wales.

The project is being delivered in two parts — a 190-kilometre transmission line between Sydenham and Bulgana (near Stawell), via Waubra, which will then be connected to New South Wales via a new terminal station near Kerang.

The Hepburn Shire Council has welcomed some aspects and expressed concern about other con-clusions outlined in the report, and will make a submission regarding “highly problematic” elements of the proposed line, mayor Brian Hood said.

“Council will make a strong submission to AEMO and Transgrid regarding the latest update,” he said.

“We know there is high community interest in this project and we encourage people to take a close look at the report and make a submission.

“While Mount Prospect is no longer the preferred option for a terminal station, it still remains an option. We also note that the proposed route of the Western Renewables Link transmission line through Hepburn Shire remains largely unchanged and is highly problematic.”

One of the council’s key concerns is the recommendation to increase the capacity of the proposed power lines from 220 kV to 500 kV along the section of the Western Renewables Link west.

From Mount Prospect to Bulgana, the height range of the proposed towers will be increased from 40-60 metres to 60-80 metres high, with the easement under them to increase from 40-60 metres up to 70-100 metres wide.

Cr Hood said it was disappointing that running the lines underground had not been given more consideration.

“This change would require significantly larger towers which will have an even greater adverse impact on our significant landscapes, farmers and communities,” he said.

“Council is highly supportive of renewable energy. However, we are strongly opposed to the transmission lines being above ground. We are very disappointed that the report does not further consider the undergrounding of power.

“The unwillingness to consider this option for the more sensitive sections of the route demonstrates an indifference to genuine community concerns.”

According to the consultation report, stakeholder feedback taken into account includes the importance of transparency and meaningful consultation with stakeholders, the importance of considering the impact of options on visual amenity, biodiversity, land use, culture, heritage, tourism and bushfire risk, among others.

Feedback on the report is due by April 5. For more information and to give feedback visit


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