
General News

3 September, 2024

Local alliance flourishes with new memberships

The local climate alliance is growing by the day, with the group’s membership expanding to include a High Street eatery that ticks all the sustainability boxes.

By Prealene Khera

Tony Macer, Bec Ettridge and Colleen Stratford are encouraging local businesses to take steps towards becoming sustainable.
Tony Macer, Bec Ettridge and Colleen Stratford are encouraging local businesses to take steps towards becoming sustainable.

Maryborough’s vegan cafe Milo has become the most recent business to join the alliance, headed by the Climate Action Stewarding Group.

This partnership, between the group and other organisations in the community, focuses on bringing together locals who have adopted a climate friendly approach to their daily operations.

Still green, the alliance — made up of entities like Asteria, Zonta and the Maryborough Girl Guides — has spent the last couple of months branching out to various businesses.

One such venture was Milo Cafe and Store, and according to its owner Bec Ettridge signing up with the alliance was a no-brainer.

“When I started Milo, I already had a number of sustainable practices in place — I am as environmentally conscious as possible,” she said.

“Because I already had that mindset, being part of the alliance just made sense.

“I also hope it shows other businesses how important sustainability is and encourages them to make certain changes — it’s absolutely worth it.”

A spokesperson from the Climate Action Stewarding Group, which was originally formed as part of a collaboration between the community and the Central Goldfields Shire Council, said they’re thrilled to have Milo on board.

“We are reaching out to local community organisations and businesses who are leading the way with sustainability and Milo is an outstanding example,” they said.

“Milo certainly walks the talk in every aspect of its business model —from sourcing sustainable food and packaging locally right through to waste management.

“We have some excellent local examples of sustainability in our business community and we would love to see more sharing and networking.”

In the near future, the group is considering running a ‘show and tell’ event at Milo for local businesses and community groups to “promote, celebrate and encourage the wonderful work that is being done in the sustainable space”.


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