Council & Business
17 July, 2023
Lexton flood study receives $200,000 funding boost
A flood study will be undertaken in the Pyrenees community of Lexton following significant flooding in October and November last year. The Victorian Government has provided $200,000 to the Pyrenees Shire Council to support the development of the...
A flood study will be undertaken in the Pyrenees community of Lexton following significant flooding in October and November last year.
The Victorian Government has provided $200,000 to the Pyrenees Shire Council to support the development of the Lexton Flood Management Plan.
Flooding across the district caused millions of dollars’ worth of damage while also impacting major events and visitation to the area, according to council, with all roads in and out of Lexton blocked by floodwater.
The flood study will be managed by council with technical support from the North Central Catchment Management Authority and will include assessment of mitigation options for the town.
“Council is pleased to be partnering with North Central Catchment Management Authority, the Victorian Government and the Lexton community to provide a scientific understanding of flood behaviour in
Lexton and investigate options to minimize the impact of future floods,” Pyrenees Shire Council CEO Jim Nolan said.
Information from the project will increase the flood resilience of the Lexton community by improving and building on available knowledge.
Findings from the study and assessment will be used for land use and development planning, emergency management planning, and response and community education.
The project will consult with the local community bringing together that local knowledge and assessing possible mitigation options.
The information from the project, including flood mapping produced by the study will be made freely available to the public and will also be used to inform VICSES Floodsafe programs.
It’s expected the project will help council and the Lexton community respond to, and better recover from, potential future flood events in the area.