
General News

22 October, 2024

Hospital celebrates allied health staff

The Maryborough District Health Service (MDHS) recently celebrated the contribution of its allied health workforce — all of whom play a significant role in ensuring the community’s overall wellbeing.

By Prealene Khera

Jason Hubble, Michael Muirhead, MDHS CEO Nickola Allan, student Max Lacy and Rohan Karia celebrated the AHP day together. Photos: Supplied.
Jason Hubble, Michael Muirhead, MDHS CEO Nickola Allan, student Max Lacy and Rohan Karia celebrated the AHP day together. Photos: Supplied.

Marking Allied Health Professions Day last Monday, the hospital turned the spotlight on nearly a third of its healthcare staff.

Around 60 allied health professionals (AHP) including physiotherapists, podiatrists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, exercise physiologists, dietitians, pharmacists, radiologists, and counsellors are a dedicated part of the team.

According to MDHS CEO Nickola Allan, all AHPs play an essential role in delivering comprehensive care, enhancing patient outcomes, and supporting the overall health of the local population.

“Our allied health team collaborates to deliver patient-centred care in many ways, whether it's offering specialised support in hospitals to aid recovery, providing services in community clinics and, improving care for residents in aged care communities,” she said.

Beyond the scope of their general services, local AHPs also play an active role in mentoring and educating the future workforce.

Recently, the team hosted a successful careers day for high school students, fostering interest in allied health careers.

They also actively guide university students during their placements, providing crucial mentorship and support.

Each professional brings unique skills and perspectives, enriching the multidisciplinary approach to health care.

In many cases their care can remove the need for medical intervention.

“We are excited to celebrate our allied health professionals, whose expertise and commitment not only enhance patient care but also inspire the next generation of healthcare leaders,” Ms Allan said.

MDHS provides allied health services across all life stages, including family and career support.

Local residents can access these services by referral from a GP or health professional, or by completing an online referral form.

For more information or to make an appointment with the MDHS allied health team, contact 5461-0333 or visit

Jason Hubble from the medical imaging team and CEO Nickola Allan.
Jason Hubble from the medical imaging team and CEO Nickola Allan.

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