
General News

17 November, 2022

Health service issues mosquito bite warning

The drone of a mosquito can be irritating, but bites from the insect can carry more than just an itch, the Maryborough District Health Service (MDHS) has warned. Mosquito-borne diseases can make people ill and — in severe cases — even cause...

By Christie Harrison

Health service issues mosquito bite warning - feature photo

The drone of a mosquito can be irritating, but bites from the insect can carry more than just an itch, the Maryborough District Health Service (MDHS) has warned.

Mosquito-borne diseases can make people ill and — in severe cases — even cause death, and residents should be taking precautions following a rise in mosquito numbers due to recent flooding and warm weather.

MDHS director of nursing and midwifery Robyn Wilson said it’s important for everyone to know what to do to help reduce the risk of getting sick from diseases which are spread by mosquitoes.

“The recent floods, combined with warmer days and continued wet weather make ideal breeding conditions,” she said.

“We want people to be aware of the things they can do to protect themselves because mosquitoes carry diseases that may be passed onto other people when they bite.

“People often think about mosquito-borne diseases in tropical areas. Here in rural and regional Victoria we see cases of Murray River encephalitis, Ross River virus, Barmah Forest virus, Dengue virus and more recently Japanese encephalitis.

“The best thing you can do to protect yourself and your family is to beat the bite. Avoid being bitten by following a few simple steps, with some extra precautions for children.”

Tips to avoid mosquito bites include:
• Cover up and wear long, loose-fitting clothing — mozzies can bite through tight clothing.
• Use mosquito repellents containing picaridin or DEET on all exposed skin. Mosquito repellent is not water-resistant and must be reapplied after swimming.
• Limit outdoor activity if lots of mosquitoes are about.
• Remove stagnant water where mosquitoes can breed around your home or campsite.
• Maintain fly screens on doors and windows around the home.
• Use ‘knockdown’ fly spray, mosquito coils or plug-in repellent where you gather to sit or eat outdoors.
• Choose a lower strength repellent for young children and babies (no more than 20 percent picaridin or DEET) and apply a thin, even layer to all exposed skin, avoiding hands, eyes and mouth — never allow young children to apply their own repellent.
• If your child has sensitive skin or is bothered by the smell of DEET use picaridin or apply repellent to their clothes instead.

Symptoms among mosquito-born diseases like Ross River virus and Barmah Forest virus include stiffness, headache, fever, rash and fatigue. If you are concerned about your health make an appointment with your local GP or phone Nurse-on-call on 1300 60 60 24.


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