
General News

14 September, 2023

Grandstand to be partially closed during grand finals

Punters attending the Maryborough Castlemaine District Football Netball League grand finals on Saturday are reminded that a section of the Princes Park grandstand will be off limits. The grandstand had been found to have termite damage to one of its...

By Michael Thompson

Photo: 150923 26
Photo: 150923 26

Punters attending the Maryborough Castlemaine District Football Netball League grand finals on Saturday are reminded that a section of the Princes Park grandstand will be off limits.

The grandstand had been found to have termite damage to one of its structural beams in March, and was closed off throughout the entirety of the football netball season.

Structural engineers have declared the grandstand safe provided it is not over-stressed on the clubrooms side of the stand.

Throughout the finals series, spectators have largely respected the safety limits of the grandstand, and will be asked to do so again on Saturday.

Works to the beam will be scheduled to commence after Saturday’s grand final, with works likely to take several weeks.


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