
General News

25 October, 2024

Good Vibes on Broadway

With a golden mix of hits, history and ingots, this Sunday’s Vibes on Broadway festival aims to encapsulate everything Dunolly has to offer.

By Jonathan Peck

Goldfields Music Club’s Greg Keegan, Sue Hagman and Andy Ball are hoping to bring the vibes to Broadway this Sunday.
Goldfields Music Club’s Greg Keegan, Sue Hagman and Andy Ball are hoping to bring the vibes to Broadway this Sunday.

Organisers Goldfields Music Club (GMC) have worked alongside various community groups and businesses to infuse excitement across the main street with live music, dancing, gold panning, history walking tours, historic selfies and much more.

The festival also coincides with the monthly Dunolly Country Market, boasting over 40 market stalls which is sure to intrigue visitors.

According to GMC treasurer Kerri Jongebloed, the free event will be a celebration of what makes Dunolly special.

“The event overall is the vibe of community, gold, history and music,” she said.

“We are returning the street parade which we are excited about — I think it’s going to be a big surprise.

“The town is really vibrant at the moment — I’ve been here seven years and lots has changed and this is a positive change.”

The event will host a main stage headlined by local acts such as The Groove Dudes, The ChOvies and the Darling Buds of Maldon as well as a youth stage located in the Dunolly Senior Citizens Hall.

GMC president Sue Hagman is excited for the festival to showcase the musical talents of the Central Goldfields.

“The collaboration across the community is exciting and we are always excited to bring music to the street,” she said.

“It allows our musicians an opportunity to play, the community the chance to join in and the public to come into Dunolly.

“Our players come from across the goldfields and we know there is talent out there, but there’s new people who want a go who never have, so we try to give them a platform and a stage.”

The Vibes on Broadway street festival this Sunday, October 27 runs from 9 am to 3 pm. Broadway will be closed from 8 am until 4 pm. Cash is preferred.

For more information, visit the Vibes on Broadway Facebook page.


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