
Council & Business

1 November, 2024

Free green waste drop-off

With the Fire Danger Period (FDP) set to commence in less than a fortnight, the Central Goldfields Shire Council (CGSC) is asking residents to clear their properties.

By Jonathan Peck

Council’s Alan Jones and Peter Field (middle), Goldfields Group Officer of Fire Brigades Peter Higgins (right) and Talbot CFA volunteers Jim Dewar, Jordyn Coburn and Kerry Clayton are urging residents to start FDP preparations.
Council’s Alan Jones and Peter Field (middle), Goldfields Group Officer of Fire Brigades Peter Higgins (right) and Talbot CFA volunteers Jim Dewar, Jordyn Coburn and Kerry Clayton are urging residents to start FDP preparations.

Locals are encouraged to cut their lawns, clear undergrowth and clean gutters and drains before the FDP commences on Monday, November 11, a month earlier than last year’s declaration.

To assist in cleaning efforts, council is providing free green waste drop off up to three cubic meters per vehicle at the Carisbrook, Dunolly and Talbot transfer stations.

Starting today, the service will run until the start of the FDP, giving residents ample time to reduce their fire risk according to CGSC manager statutory services Peter Field.

“It’s an opportunity for residents to remove fuel loads from their properties and have that material taken to a transfer station where it can go to compost,” he said.

“With the cost of living, it’s a free service the community is able to utilise.”

Council is also commencing fuel reduction on roadsides and open grassed areas with trimming around power lines, weed spraying and slashing across the shire.

“Our road slashing program will commence around November 18 and we are monitoring the situation all the time,” CGSC operations manager Alan Jones said.

“We will certainly start in the northern communities where the grass is drying out a lot quicker and we will go from there.”

According to Mr Jones, council’s partnership with local fire brigades and state authorities to assist in preparations is vital in making the community safe.

“It ensures everyone is on the same page,” he said.

“Everyone needs to know what is going on and give the community the right advice to make them feel comfortable in what we are doing.”

For further information on how to prepare your property for the fire season, visit


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