
Council & Business

22 December, 2022

Councillors frustrated by development’s progress

Central Goldfields Shire councillors have again moved to support a housing development in Maryborough, noting their frustration at the lack of action on the development despite it coming to council on three separate occasions. Councillor Geoff...

By Riley Upton

Councillors frustrated by development’s progress - feature photo

Central Goldfields Shire councillors have again moved to support a housing development in Maryborough, noting their frustration at the lack of action on the development despite it coming to council on three separate occasions.

Councillor Geoff Lovett introduced a motion at Tuesday’s ordinary meeting that the land at 52 Ross Street, Maryborough, should be considered as a priority and in isolation, for residential development by the organisation.

Cr Lovett’s motion included that as a matter of urgency, the position of council in relation to the eight hectare parcel of land should be clarified to government authorities, including the CFA and Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.

It follows a similar motion being passed at council’s July meeting, after a planning permit application and a request for a planning scheme amendment for the site to be subdivided for residential development was received.

The site in question is adjacent to the Whirrakee Rise development in Maryborough and according to the report tabled to council, the land is shovel ready for development and the majority of planning work for the development has been and will be funded by the proponent.

Tuesday’s motion follows an almost identical motion passed by council in July, where councillors moved to provide support to the proponent and organise required site meetings.

Speaking to the motion, Cr Lovett said it was disappointing the matter had returned to council again.

“I actually feel like it’s groundhog day, this is the third time council have debated the parcel of land known as 52 Ross Street,” he said.

“On two previous occasions, council unanimously supported this development, committing council resources to assist this.

“I find it disappointing that we are still discussing this issue.

“What I want to focus on is the big issue — the critical lack of greenfield residential land in Maryborough proper.”

The report tabled at the meeting states that as far back as 2012, the land at 52 Ross Street was identified as “the only land remaining in Maryborough for substantial broadacre residential development”.

The report states that council reports in 2014 and again in 2020 confirmed the sites suitability for development.

Cr Lovett said it was nonsensical that council were again discussing the matter as opposed to getting on with it.

“The proponent has already funded several reports required for the re-zoning, all they have asked for in return is council’s support,” he said.

“How many times must council’s support be given? I find it unfathomable why we are once again debating this issue, why aren’t we asking the developer what we can do to assist them.

“This development will bring unquestioned benefits to scarce residential land in Maryborough, including millions of dollars of investment, economic activity and most importantly jobs.”

Also speaking on Tuesday, Cr Gerard Murphy said the Ross Street development was something council needed to help make happen.

“In March I received a phone call about an issue with this development and we actually passed a motion before about supporting this wholeheartedly,” he said.

“I’m disappointed in not being able to get this through — I thought this was going to get done and we would help the developer because there is a need for land for housing.

“Things don’t go in a timely manner if we just wait and wait and wait — I am all for this.”

Councillors moved unanimously in support of the motion.


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