General News
8 February, 2024
Council encouraging feedback
What does an ideal economy look like for your community? That’s the question Mount Alexander Shire Council is asking residents to consider as it develops its next Economic Development Strategy. “When we say economy we mean the combined work we...

What does an ideal economy look like for your community? That’s the question Mount Alexander Shire Council is asking residents to consider as it develops its next Economic Development Strategy.
“When we say economy we mean the combined work we all do to make a living for ourselves, our families, our communities and places,” council’s manager economy and culture Merryn Tinkler said.
“This includes both paid and unpaid work. We want to develop an economic strategy that is not just about jobs and growth but considers the overall wellbeing of our community and environment, first and foremost.”
Council is working with the Castlemaine Institute to develop the strategy, which will define how the economy can be reshaped to be:
• Regenerative — working within the limits of the planet while meeting the needs of all people’s health and wellbeing.
• Inclusive — everyone has access to everything needed to live a dignified life.
• Healthy — health of people and the environment.
• Connected — to each other, the environment and country.
As part of the strategy’s development, council held a number of workshops and interviews with targeted specific groups within the community to get their feedback.
Information collected during those workshops will be used in conjunction with desktop research, and input from the wider community.
“We’ve had some really insightful workshops with specific groups within the community”, Ms Tinkler said.
“Now it’s time to hear from the wider community. Have your say and help us understand what we can do to help make our shire’s economy work for everyone.”
Residents are encouraged to take part in a seven question survey to help council understand more about community visions for the local economy.
Council will finalise the draft strategy later this year, with the document scheduled to go to councillors for consideration in September.
There are a number of ways residents can provide feedback, including:
• Online at www.shape.mount
• Via email to the Castlemaine Institute at Sharon.fraser@
• Pick up a hard copy survey from the Castlemaine Civic Centre on Lyttleton Street, Castlemaine
Submissions will close next Monday, February 12, 2024.
For more information contact Ms Tinkler at m.tinkler@mount