
General News

1 December, 2022

Christmas spirit arrives in Central Goldfields Shire

The Christmas spirit has arrived in the Central Goldfields, with festive decorations now adorning streetscapes in towns across the shire. Christmas decorations have been installed in Maryborough, Bealiba, Dunolly, Majorca, Carisbrook and Talbot...

By Riley Upton

Council’s Parks and Garden team members Brenton, Chloe, Les and Russell with Central Goldfields Shire mayor Cr Grace La Vella (centre) in front of the Christmas Tree in High Street.
Council’s Parks and Garden team members Brenton, Chloe, Les and Russell with Central Goldfields Shire mayor Cr Grace La Vella (centre) in front of the Christmas Tree in High Street.

The Christmas spirit has arrived in the Central Goldfields, with festive decorations now adorning streetscapes in towns across the shire.

Christmas decorations have been installed in Maryborough, Bealiba, Dunolly, Majorca, Carisbrook and Talbot, featuring trees, Christmas garlands, bows on building entrances, festive lights and banners.

Central Goldfields Shire mayor Grace La Vella said it was exciting to see some Christmas cheer appearing throughout the shire.

“I think many of us are really looking forward to catching up with family and friends and enjoying some down-time over the Christmas break,” she said.

“Last year we were able to invest a little bit extra into our Christmas display — with additional decorations introduced across not only Maryborough but Bealiba, Carisbrook, Dunolly, Majorca and Talbot.

“It was certainly well received by our community so it will be wonderful to see our community enjoy it again this year.”

Cr La Vella encouraged residents doing their Christmas shopping to consider supporting local businesses.

“We encourage you to get your friends and family together, enjoy the display, and if you can, please make sure you support our local retail and hospitality businesses when doing your Christmas shipping this year,” she said.

“Christmas is a very important time for a lot of people, where families and friends come together. Decorating our towns also makes them more appealing for visitors, who may stop by to do some Christmas shopping at local businesses.”

Key decorations throughout the shire are located at the RSL Park in Talbot, Majorca Town Hall, Dunolly Town Hall, Market Reserve in Carisbrook, Bealiba Hall and along High Street in Maryborough.


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