
General News

31 October, 2022

Carriage clinic rolls into Elmhurst

Renowned London carriage driver Gary Docking spent a successful weekend in Elmhurst, coaching residents in the carriage driving art as part of a series of clinics. Mr Docking, commonly known as Mr Private Driving, was brought to Australia by the...

By Riley Upton

Well known carriage driver Gary Docking has touched down in Elmhurst, running clinics with locals over the weekend.
Well known carriage driver Gary Docking has touched down in Elmhurst, running clinics with locals over the weekend.

Renowned London carriage driver Gary Docking spent a successful weekend in Elmhurst, coaching residents in the carriage driving art as part of a series of clinics.

Mr Docking, commonly known as Mr Private Driving, was brought to Australia by the Australian Carriage Driving Society to tour and run clinics over nine weeks.

His first time back in Australia in over 30 years, Mr Docking said carriage driving has been a lifelong passion.

“My passion in life is theatre and horses and I’ve been producing and driving horses for many years,” he said.

“My grandfather in Cornwall had a hireling yard so we had hunting horses and that sort of thing and the passion grew from there.

“I’ve been very lucky to have horses all my life.”

Organised by the Pyrenees Range Pleasure Drivers Inc, the four-day clinic with Mr Docking in Elmhurst catered to individuals of all abilities in regards to horse riding and carriage driving.

“We need to make sure horses are going properly, safely and with great enjoyment and I think that’s the most important part,” he said.

“You’ve got to have a sense of humour, a talent and be able to entertain and educate to do this — if you learn with a laugh, you remember with a smile which is so important.

“The clinics are open to everybody, the more the merrier. Whether you’re just brushing up on a bit of technique for an international competition or whether you’ve never been near a horse, these clinics are for everyone. You can only go as fast as your slowest people and everyone has to enjoy it.”

Mr Docking has previously worked with the British Royal Household and been involved with the British Driving Society and Hackney Driving Society.

Places are available for clinics today, Tuesday, November 1 and tomorrow, Wednesday, November 2.

For further details on the remaining clinics and how to get involved, contact Maree Gunner on 0413 960 651 or email


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