General News
27 April, 2023
Bottle and can refund scheme coming to Victoria
Victoria’s container deposit scheme is set to start in November this year, meaning residents will receive a 10 cent refund for every eligible can, carton and bottle they hand in. Australian-owned recycling business Visy will operate the rollout of...

Victoria’s container deposit scheme is set to start in November this year, meaning residents will receive a 10 cent refund for every eligible can, carton and bottle they hand in.
Australian-owned recycling business Visy will operate the rollout of the scheme in the Central Goldfields Shire supported by Envirobank, with collection points to be operated across the Loddon, Mallee and Hume regions as well as the inner north-eastern suburbs of Melbourne.
The container deposit scheme brings Victoria in line with other states and is anticipated to benefit the community, environment and economy by delivering more and better recycling, less waste, less litter, creating new jobs and resulting in a cleaner state.
Visy CEO Mark De Wit said the organisation’s infrastructure and recycling expertise will ensure the container deposit scheme’s success.
“Visy already operates manufacturing and recycling facilities across Victoria, supporting jobs and income,” he said.
“We will empower local schools, charities and sporting groups to reduce litter and fundraise for projects by establishing the most accessible scheme across Australia.
“Visy’s expertise as Australia’s largest processor of kerbside recycling ensures we will operate a container deposit scheme Victorians can be proud of.”
Visy will install over 200 new refund collection points across Victoria and will create an estimated 215 jobs directly in the network, with up to 500 indirect jobs created state-wide.
The business is currently taking applications from local businesses and not-for-profits to act as collection point operators across the region, with applications to be made online at