
General News

18 December, 2023

Awards supporting local students

Local students have been awarded scholarships as they enter their VCE years, with the Central Goldfields Masonic Group handing out their awards for the 28th year running. Local Freemasons whose Lodges are members of the Central Goldfields Masonic...

By Maryborough Advertiser

MEC’s Gemma Ford was one of the students successful in receiving an award, which was presented by school principal David Sutton and Central Goldfields Masonic Group chairman Ken  Calder.
MEC’s Gemma Ford was one of the students successful in receiving an award, which was presented by school principal David Sutton and Central Goldfields Masonic Group chairman Ken  Calder.

Local students have been awarded scholarships as they enter their VCE years, with the Central Goldfields Masonic Group handing out their awards for the 28th year running.

Local Freemasons whose Lodges are members of the Central Goldfields Masonic Group have increased the value of the two scholarships awarded to students going into their VCE years, with the top award valued at $2000 and second award valued at $1000.

These scholarships are made available to the most outstanding student chosen after interviewing all applicants from the Maryborough Education Centre (MEC) and Highview College.

Highview’s year 10 student Olivia Kinnersley was chosen to receive the top award, with MEC’s Gemma Ford also awarded.

The application process for the scholarships is structured as an interview, providing students an educational experience similar to a job interview.

Students are marked on their academic performance, community involvement, desire to achieve and contribute to Australian society, as well as their performance in the interview.

“As usual 2023 provided some difficult decisions for the selection panel, and students missing out on these two scholarships should consider going online to Freemasons Foundation where applications for numerous Scholarships are now open,” Central Goldfields Masonic Group chairman Ken Calder said.

While a presentation was made to Gemma Ford at the MEC awards evening, a formal event early in the new school year will see Olivia Kinnersley receive a framed certificate (having already been presented with the scholarship).

These regional scholarships are provided separately to the 19 Freemasons Primary School Scholarships currently being presented to year six students around the area.


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