General News
15 June, 2023
Ambulance Auxiliary thank community
The Maryborough Ambulance Auxiliary held a special morning tea on Wednesday to celebrate and thank residents, businesses and groups that supported the establishment of the Maryborough Aeromedical Transfer Station (MATS) facility. More than 50 people...
The Maryborough Ambulance Auxiliary held a special morning tea on Wednesday to celebrate and thank residents, businesses and groups that supported the establishment of the Maryborough Aeromedical Transfer Station (MATS) facility.
More than 50 people representing local businesses, clubs, organisations and the community gathered at Maryborough’s Ambulance Station for the morning tea, held to thank the community for their ongoing support of the auxiliary.
Of particular note at the morning tea was the community’s efforts in supporting the Maryborough Aeromedical Transfer Station (MATS) project, which paid off in December with the facility — which provides safe and comfortable working conditions, as well as privacy, for paramedics preparing patients for air ambulance — officially opening.
Maryborough Ambulance Auxiliary president Sandra Field spoke to the importance of the project, which began as a vision of former auxiliary president, the late Dianne Mullins.
“We will forever remember the day we opened the MATS facility,” she said.
“It was Di’s dream many years ago of having that facility established for the Maryborough community and her dream became a reality that day.
“Our community is so much better for Di’s dream, so thank you to everyone in the community who supported that vision.”
Ambulance Victoria’s Maryborough team manager Mark Passalick said the local auxiliary has set the benchmark for the state.
“We’ve done something very special with the building of the MATS shed, the project not only raised a lot of money but brought our community together as well,” he said.
“The impact the auxiliary has had for us as an Ambulance Victoria team has set a benchmark — this auxiliary is the poster child of how things should be done.”
The auxiliary extended its thanks to Rick and Bev James, as well as Alan and Rochelle Steed for hosting open garden events as a fundraiser for the auxiliary.
Dan Mullins was also presented with a certificate in Di’s name acknowledging her work, dedication and contribution to the Maryborough and surrounding community.